If your family has chosen to scatter a loved one’s cremated remains following their cremation, you’re welcome to do it in any number of places. Families routinely scatter remains in cemeteries, out at sea, and even in national parks after Sacramento, CA cremations. But you aren’t going to be able to just scatter a loved one’s remains wherever you want. There are some restrictions in place that will prevent you from scattering remains in certain places. Take a look at several places to avoid when scattering a loved one’s remains below.
Since families can scatter their loved ones remains out at sea at the conclusion of their cremation services in Sacramento, CA, they’ll sometimes assume that it’s also okay to scatter them on beaches. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. The beach is actually one of the worst places to scatter someone’s remains. They can blow around on a beach and come into contact with people, animals, fish, and more. Your family could potentially end up getting into trouble if you get caught scattering remains on a beach.
Many people love sports and cheer for one particular team more than all the rest. As a result, families will often think of scattering their loved one’s remains at the stadiums for sports teams. While this is a nice thought, it’s not something that families should ever try to do unless a team just so happens to be holding a special event and allowing families to scatter remains. If your family scatters remain inside or even outside a stadium, you will technically be littering on private property. It’s why you should shy away from taking this approach to scattering a loved one’s remains.
Disneyland isn’t exactly right around the corner from Sacramento. It’s an almost eight-hour trip to get to Disneyland. But despite this, some families will take it upon themselves to make the trip so that they can scatter their loved ones remains in the park. This is yet another bad idea for families trying to figure out what to do with the remains of their loved ones. Even if your loved one was the biggest Disney fan in the world, you won’t be allowed to legally scatter your loved one’s remains inside Disneyland or on any other Disney property. You can get yourself banned from the park for doing it, and your loved one’s remains might also end up getting vacuumed up and disposed of properly.
Generally speaking, families should avoid scattering the cremated remains of their loved ones on any private properties at all. You will need to obtain permission from a property owner before you do this, and many property owners aren’t going to be on board with the idea. The only way you can scatter a loved one’s remains on private property is if you own it. Otherwise, it’s simply not going to be an option.
Do you need help deciding what to do with a loved one’s cremated remains following their cremation in Sacramento, CA? Our funeral home can speak with you about your options when you plan a cremation through us. Give us a call for all your family’s cremation needs.